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9月,相约临沂! 2018中国(临沂)国际商贸物流博览会 China(Linyi) International Trade and Logistics Fair 中国.临沂 Linyi China 2018年9月15日-17日 15th-17th September,2018 1 博览会简介 \ ExpoBrief 名称:2018中国(临沂)国际商贸物流博览会 时间:2018年9月15日-17日 地点:临沂国际会展中心、临沂商城会展中心、临沂国际博览中心 China(Linyi) International Trade and Logistics Fair Exhibition time: Sept. 15 to 17, 2018 Venue: Linyi International Convention and Exhibition Center, Linyi Trade City Convention and Exhibition Center, Linyi International Expo Center 2 组织机构 \ Organization | 主办单位: | Sponsors: 中国对外承包工程商会China international contractors association 山东省商务厅Department of Commerce of Shandong Province 山东省工商局Shandong Administration for industry & commerce 山东省贸促会Shandong Sub-Council of CCPIT 临沂市人民政府Linyi Municipal People's Government
| 承办单位: 第九届商博会组委会办公室 | Organizer: The 9th Linyi Trade and Logistics Fair Committee Office
临沂商博展览有限公司 | Exhibition Executive Organizer: Linyi Trade and Logistics Fair Co., Ltd. 3 商博会介绍 \ CLITLF Introduction 中国(临沂)国际商贸物流博览会是依托临沂市“市场名城”“物流之都”的商贸物流优势,着力于促进山东乃至全国商贸流通业健康持续发展而举办的国家级综合性展会活动,是我市承办的规模最大的国家级展会,是展示我市商贸物流特色的重要窗口,是宣传推介临沂的重要平台,是发展新兴业态经济、推动商城转型升级、建设会展之都的重要抓手。自2010年举办以来,“商博会”已成功举办了8届,共设展位近4.19万个,参会人数166.08万人次,实现现场成交额458.7多亿元。实现了以贸促展、以展兴贸,产销联动,构建内外贸一体化、线上线下相融合、创新创业相配套的经济发展新平台。大会已成为国内外各产业基地、专业市场、品牌企业搭建深度合作、互利共赢的财富桥梁。第7届中国(临沂)国际商贸物流博览会被中国会展行业年会、全国会展评选办公室评为“2017年度十佳品牌展览会”荣誉称号。 第九届中国(临沂)国际商贸物流博览会定于2018年9月15日至17日举办。第九届商博会设置6个展区,展会规模7000个标准展位。同期举办6项相关系列活动。2017年临沂商城共举办各类展会项目152个。展会项目累计展览面积155万平米,参展企业26680家,参观人数293万余人次,实现交易额173.09亿元。 临沂商博展览有限公司作为政府退出主板之后市场化运作平台公司,承担商博会日常服务、招商招展、宣传督导、现场管理和展会总执行等一系列工作。 China (Linyi) International Trade & Logistics Fair is a national comprehensive exhibition event that is based on the advantage of Linyi City's “Market City” and “Logistics Capital” and is dedicated to promoting the healthy and sustainable development of Shandong's commercial circulation industry. The largest national exhibition organized by the city is an important window to showcase the characteristics of business logistics in our city. It is an important platform for propagating and promoting Linyi, and is an important starting point for the development of an emerging economy, the promotion of shopping mall transformation and upgrading, and the construction of exhibition cities. Since its inception in 2010, the “Commercial Fair” has been successfully held for 8 sessions, with a total of nearly 41,900 booths. The number of participants was 1,608,800, and the on-site turnover was 45.87 billion yuan. We have realized a new economic development platform that combines trade promotion, exhibition and trade, production and sales, and integration of foreign trade, online and offline integration, and innovation and entrepreneurship. The conference has become a wealth bridge for domestic and foreign industrial bases, professional markets, and brand enterprises to build deep cooperation and mutual benefit. The 7th China (Linyi) International Trade & Logistics Fair was honored as the "Top Ten Brand Exhibition of 2017" by the annual conference of the Chinese convention and exhibition industry and the National Conference and Exhibition Selection Office. The 9th China (Linyi) International Trade and Logistics Fair is scheduled to be held from September 15th to 17th, 2018. The 9th China (Linyi) International Trade and Logistics Fair set up 6 exhibition areas, and the scale of the exhibition was 7000 standard booths. In the same period, six related series of events were held. In 2017, Linyi Mall held a total of 152 exhibition projects. The total exhibition area of the exhibition project is 1.55 million square meters, with 26,680 exhibiting companies and more than 293,000 visitors, achieving a transaction value of 17.309 billion yuan. Linyi Trade and Logistics Fair Co., Ltd. as the market-oriented operation platform company after the government withdrew from the main board, undertakes a series of work such as the day-to-day services of the Expo, investment invitations, promotion and supervision, on-site management, and general execution of the exhibition. 4 展区安排 \ Exhibition Area Arrangement 进口商品展区 集中展示进口家电、家居用品、食品饮料、保健品、工艺品、化妆品、服装及其它日用品,充分利用临沂商城市场集散全国的商贸物流优势,围绕打造进口商品物流节点城市,着力吸引“一带一路”沿线国家企业参展,努力将该展区打造成为国内知名进口商品专业展会。 Import Commodities Exhibition Area: We concentrate on display of imported electrical appliances, household goods, food and beverage, health care products, handicrafts, cosmetics, clothing and other daily necessities, make full use of distribution logistics advantages,strive to make it become an imported goods logistics node city,attracting enterprises along "one belt one road",make efforts to build a famous, professional domestic import exhibition. 工程物资展区: 临沂商城工程物资市场展示服务中心集中展示各类板材、装饰材料、五金劳保、建材、家具及工程配件等几十个大类,上万个品种的工程物资商品,具有经营主体集聚、出口商品展示、一站式服务等特点,是集线上线下为一体的一站式外贸综合服务平台。 Engineering Materials Exhibition Area Linyi Trade City Engineering Material Market Display Service Center includes more than 10,000 varieties in dozens of categories of commodities such as various wood-based boards, decoration materials, hardware,labor protection,building materials, furniture, engineering parts, etc.It enjoys the characteristics of business subject accumulation, export commodity display, one-stop service, etc., has already become a one-stop foreign trade comprehensive service platform online and offline. 物流装备与技术: 集中展示物流集成与信息化、物流装备、仓储设备和现代物流新兴业态,宣传临沂物流优势,为提升全市物流装备水平提供展示交流机会,为我市物流企业吸引全国商品中转搭建服务平台。 Logistics Equipment and Technology Exhibition Area: This area will focus on display the logistics integration and informationization, logistics equipment, warehousing equipment and modern logistics emerging industries, publicize logistics superiority of Linyi city, it also provides display and exchange opportunities for upgrading the logistics equipment level of the city, it is also a platform for local logistics enterprises to attract national commodity transit service. 文体用品展区: 集中展示文化用品、体育用品、教育用品等相关产品,为全市文体用品生产企业和市场业户对接新产品、新技术搭建平台,努力将该展区培育成为具有区域影响力的专业展会。 Stationery and Sporting Commodities Exhibition Area We will focus on products such as cultural products, sporting goods, education products and other related products. We will build a platform for the development of new products and technologies for the production enterprises and market enterprises of the whole city, and strive to cultivate the exhibition area into a professional exhibition with regional influence. 家电厨卫展区: 集中展示家用电器、厨房用具、卫浴洁具、家电配件等行业最新产品,为家电厨卫市场提供产品支持,促进临沂商城家电厨卫批发市场持续繁荣发展,不断提升在行业内的知名度和影响力。 Household Electrical Appliances and Kitchen Bathroom Supplies Exhibition Area: We're going to focus on the latest products of household appliances, kitchen appliances, sanitary ware, and provide product support for the home appliance and kitchen sanitation market, which will promote the continuing prosperity of the home appliance and kitchen wholesale markets of Linyi, so as to improve our reputation and influence in the industry. 小商品展区: 集中展示日用百货,家用塑料制品、陶瓷制品、玻璃制品,竹木制品、清洁用品、一次性用品等相关小商品,为我市地产品加工企业提供技术交流、促进合作、扩大贸易、提高品牌和知名度的平台,争取让临沂小商品成为“一带一路”国家的重要货源地。 Small Commodities Exhibition Area: We concentrate on displaying daily necessities, plastic products, ceramics, glass products, bamboo and wood products, cleaning supplies, disposable supplies, etc. It is a platform for our city processing enterprises to enhance technical exchanges and cooperation, raise trade volume and brand popularity. It takes our joint effort to make Linyi become an important source of goods of the Belt and Road countries. 5 举办地---临沂优势 Advantages of Linyi-The Show Venue | 中国市场名城——市场集群发展,门类品种齐全 临沂商城现有专业批发市场134处,占地面积1447.9万平方米,商铺和摊位6.5万个,经营业户5万户,从业人员20万人,日客流量30万人次;经营商品多达6万个品种,涵盖小商品、五金、建材、板材、园林机械、劳保用品等27大类,基本覆盖了生产资料和生活资料主要门类。 数据:2014年,实现交易额2687.4亿元、出口54.5亿美元、电子商务交易额309.5亿元、物流总额4055.8亿元,分别增长28.2%、69.6%、31.9%和17%。 电子商务:2014年,临沂商城实现电子商务交易额309.5亿元,同比增长31.9%;电子商务企业和商户发展到2万户,电商从业者近10万人。 | China's famous market city---with market clusters and full categories and varieties of commodities Linyi Trade City has 128 special wholesale markets with daily visitor flow of 300,000 occupying 13.01 million square meters in total. 62,000 shops and stalls and 49,000 companies, hiring 190,000 employees, sell 60,000 varieties of commodities of 27 categories such as small commodities, metal wares, building materials, boards, garden machinery and labor protection supplies, which almost cover major categories used in production and people's life. Data: In 2014, the market turnover volume reached 268.74 billion yuan, export volume was 5.45 billion US dollars, e-commerce trade volume was 30.95 billion yuan and total logistics volume was 405.58 billion yuan, which were increased by 28.2%、69.6%、31.9% and 17% respectively. E-commerce: In 2014, the trading volume of e-commerce in Linyi Trade City has reached 30.95 billion yuan, increased by 31.9%. The e-commerce companies and shoppers were up to 20,000 with nearly 100,000 employees. | 中国物流之都—物流体系发达,网络覆盖广泛 临沂现有物流公司、经营业户2094户,从业人员2.2万人,货运车辆1.8万辆,物流园区22处,全市星级物流企业达到17家,其中5A级3家,4A级4家。拥有国内配载线路2000多条,覆盖全国所有县级以上城市,通达全国所有港口和口岸,日均发送货物20多万吨,物流价格比全国平均低20%—30%,具有货物周转快、物流价格低、辐射范围广的优势。 | China's logistics capital---with well-developed logistics systems and wide networks In Linyi Trade City, there are 2,094 logistics companies and business operators in 22 logistics parks, employing 22 thousand people and possessing 18 thousand cargo vehicles. Star-rated logistics companies are up to 17, among which three are 5A-rated and four are 4A-rated. Over 2,000 logistical lines cover all cities above county-level and directly connect all ports of China. The average daily logistical volume is 200+ thousand tons and logistics cost is 20%-30% lower than the nation’s average. As can be seen, logistics in Linyi has advantages of fast circulation, low cost and wide radiation. 6 如需报名,请提供以下文件: (1)护照+签证页(工作/商务签证),复印件 (2)名片原件 (3)公司营业执照或国外企业(单位)注册文件 (4)采购商公司派遣函(按照国际惯例盖公司章或法人签字) For register, please provide us with the following documents: (1) Passport + Visa page (Business Visa), copy (2) Original business card (3) Business License or foreign company registration document (4) Purchaser company dispatch letter (in accordance with international conventions or company signatures) 7 欢迎报名 广东跨采将竭尽全力使这次旅行尽可能舒适,我们将免费提供以下服务: ·免费星级酒店两晚食宿 ·免费穿梭巴士-酒店和展览馆之间 ·VIP入场证 ·论坛会议 Guangdong Ksourcing will try our best to make this trip as comfortable as we can,we will offer the following services for FREE : · Free star hotel two nights accommodation · Free shuttle bus between hotel and expo hall · VIP Entry badge · Forum meeting 我们真诚期待与您见面! We're sincerely looking forward to meeting you ! |