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预告|第四届中日韩产业博览会 第一届中日韩贸易投资洽谈会新看点!速看!
第四届中日韩产业博览会 第一届中日韩贸易投资洽谈会 The Fourth China-Japan-Korea Industries Expo & The First Investment and Trade Fair 中国.潍坊 Weifang China 2018年9月14日-16日 September 14-16, 2018 博览会简介 \ ExpoBrief 中文名称:第四届中日韩产业博览会 第一届中日韩贸易投资洽谈会 The Fourth China-Japan-Korea Industries Expo & The First Investment and Trade Fair 主题:新动能 高质量 大振兴 Theme: New Energy, High Quality, Rejuvenation 时间:2018年9月14日—16日 Time:September 14-16, 2018 地点:潍坊鲁台会展中心 Location:Shandong-Taiwan Convention and Exhibition Center,Weifang,Shandong,China 展览面积:40000平方米 Exhibition area: 40000 square meters 展会介绍 \ Introduction 为深入推进中日韩三国经贸、文化等各领域全面合作,由三国国家级贸易促进机构主办的中日韩产业博览会将于2018年9月14日-16日在中国山东潍坊举办。 中日韩产业博览会将利用区位、资源、政策优势积极打造内容丰富、形式新颖、特色鲜明、功能完善的区域经济合作平台。博览会以推动三国区域合作为宗旨,以“立足三国,面向世界,互惠互利”为原则,积极搭建三国与全球开展经贸合作、投资洽谈、技术文化交流、专业采购的新通路,力争将博览会打造成商品交易、双向投资、文化交流的“孵化器”,为中日韩三国的经贸合作,提供一个新的平台。 The China-Japan-Korea Industries Expo will be held from September 14 to 16, 2018 in the city of Weifang, Shandong province to promote the comprehensive cooperation among the three countries in such fields as economy, trade and culture. Organized by national trade promotion agencies of the three countries, the expo will serve as a new, distinctive and sound platform for diversified regional economic cooperation with its geographical, resource and policy advantages. The expo is designed to promote the three countries’cooperation and holds going global and win-win as its principle. Organizers will help to build it into a new channel for the three countries to reach economic cooperation, hold investment talks, and conduct cultural exchanges as well as professional purchase with the rest of the world. They will also make the expo an incubator of trade, investment and cultural exchanges. 组织机构 \ Setup organization 主办单位: 中国国际商会 日本国际贸易促进协会 韩国贸易协会 中日韩三国合作秘书处 Sponsors: China Chamber of International Commerce; The Association for the Promotion of International Trade, Japan; Korea International Trade Association; Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat 承办单位: 中国国际商会会展部 山东省贸促会 潍坊市人民政府 Organizers: Exhibitions and Events Department of China Chamber of International Commerce; CCPIT Shandong Sub-Council; Weifang Municipal People’s Government 支持单位: 中国国际贸易促进委员会 山东省人民政府 日本贸易振兴机构 日中经济贸易中心 东海日中贸易中心 日本经济团体联合会 日中经济协会 日本商工会议所 大韩贸易投资振兴公社 韩国展示产业振兴会 韩国全国经济人联合会 韩国商工会议所 韩国COEX展览集团 Supporters: China Council for the Promotion of International Trade; Shandong Provincial People’s Government;China General Chamber of Commerce; Japan External Trade Organization; Japan-China Relations and Trade Center ; Tokai Japan-China Trade Center Association Inc; Japan Business Federation;Japan-China Economic Association; The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency ; Association of Korea Exhibition Industry; The Federation of Korean Industries; Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry; Korea COEX Exhibition Group 展馆展区 \ Pavilion exhibition area 1. 会展中心 (1)展馆位置: 鲁台会展中心位于潍坊市长松路与玉清西街交叉路口东南角,与潍坊奥体中心相连,61路、82路、88路直达。 (2)展馆功能: 鲁台会展中心分为展览中心和会议中心两个建筑单体。具备独立承办大型展览的能力。设有大型会议厅、中型会议厅、宴会厅、贵宾接待室以及若干小型会议室,会议中心配有同声传译系统、便携式无线导览、数字会议设备以及高规格的音响设备等。 鲁台会展中心是集展览、会议、商务、娱乐等多功能于一体的大型国际性会展中心,设施完备,功能性突出,是举办展览、会议、比赛、演出、节庆活动等的理想之地。 1. Convention and exhibition center (1)Exposition location: Shandong-Taiwan convention and exhibition center located southeast to the cross of Changsong road and Yuqing road ,near Weifang Olympic sports center, reach directly by public bus of 61, 82, 22, 88. (2)function of exhibition center: Shandong-Taiwan convention and exhibition center consists of two parts, exhibition center, and conference center, having enough capability to hold a separate large size exhibition. Meeting rooms are available in large size, middle size, banquet, VIP rooms, and also many small size meeting rooms. Here It is provided with facilities for simultaneous interpretations, portable wireless navigations, digital conference equipments and hi standard sound systems. Shandong-Taiwan convention and exhibition is a combination of multiple, international and large size functions of exhibition, conference, business, entertainment, etc, complete equipments, good functions, it is an ideal place for exhibition, conference, meeting, match, performance, holiday enjoyment etc. 2. 展馆介绍 2. Introduction to the exhibition center 2017中日韩产业博览会拟设置中日韩智能制造展览会、美丽产业展览会、国际食品展览会三个专业展览会。 (一)中日韩智能制造展览会 工业机器人整机、特种机器人、服务机器人、娱乐机器人、机器人开发应用产品与智能工厂全套解决方案、无人机、智能穿戴产品、激光设备、VR硬件及其应用、3D打印、高端数控机床、节能环保新能源相关技术产品及应用等。 (二)中日韩美丽产业展览会 美容产品、美体产品、美发产品、品牌服装、其它美丽产品及设备等。 (三)中日韩国际食品展览会 进口绿色食品、有机食品、食品文化、食品仓储与物流、食品研发加工、食品安全检测与防护、品牌创意与包装等。 The China-Japan-Korea Industries Expo 2017 will feature the Intelligent Manufacturing Expo,the Beauty Industry Expo and the Intelnational Food Expo. The China-Japan-Korea Intelligent Manufacturing Expo: ①The Intelligent Manufacturing Exhibition Area:Intelligent Equipment; 3D Printing Equipment and Technology; CNC Machine Tools; Power Assembly; Model Tooling; Agricultural Machinery and Equipment; Green, Smart and Personalized Cars. ②The Electronics and Information Technology Exhibition Area:Telecommunications; Network Equipment and Products; Hardware, Software and System Solutions; Optoelectronic Technologies; Digital Equipment and Products. The China-Japan-Korea Beauty Industry Expo:Products of Energy Conservation and Environment Protection and their Application; Soil remediation; Water Treatment; Air Pollution Control, etc. ③The China-Japan-Korea Intelnational Food Expo:High and New and Modern Agricultural Technologies; Smart Agriculture; Green Ecological Agricultural Materials; High-end Food Research and Development 、Processing and Logistics 、Processing machinery; Food Safety Inspection and Protection; Imported Food . 魅力潍坊 \ Charming weifang 潍坊辖4区、6市、2县,设有高新技术产业开发区、滨海经济技术开发区、综合保税区三个国家级经济园区,土地面积1.61万平方公里,人口927万 (截至 2015年12月31日),是世界风筝都、中国画都、中国食品谷所在地、中国动力城和蓝宝石城,也是诺贝尔文学奖获得者莫言先生的家乡,先后被命名为全国文明城市、国家环保模范城市、国家卫生城市、国家园林城市、中国优秀旅游城市、全国科技进步先进城市、全国循环经济示范市,荣获中国人居环境奖。 2016年,全市地区生产总值完成5522.7亿元、增长8%;一般公共预算收入完成521.5亿元、增长9.1%;固定资产投资增长13.2%;社会消费品零售总额达到2514.9亿元、增长10.4%;进出口总额跃居全省第3位,增长6.3%,总量跃居全省第3位;城乡居民人均可支配收入分别增长8.2%和8.1%。 潍坊区位优越,交通便捷。地处山东半岛中部和环渤海经济圈重要节点,北临渤海莱州湾,山东半岛蓝色经济区和黄河三角洲高效生态经济区两个国家主体功能区在这里交汇叠加。海陆空立体交通体系完善,是山东半岛的交通枢纽。潍坊港是一类开放口岸。潍坊机场已开通至北京、上海、广州等地的多条客运航线。 潍坊历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚。早在7000多年前,就有人群在潍水流域生活居住。历代王朝在此封国建邑,设州立府。中国古代“三皇五帝”中的舜、齐国政治家晏婴、北魏农学家贾思勰、北宋画家张择端、清代名相刘墉等都出自这里,范仲淹、欧阳修、苏东坡、郑板桥等曾在潍坊执政理事。近现代还涌现出一大批革命家、文学家和艺术家,获得诺贝尔文学奖的莫言也是潍坊人。潍坊拥有杨家埠民间艺术、红高粱民艺民俗、青州工艺美术等一批非遗产业化生产性保护基地,剪纸、古琴艺术入选联合国教科文组织“人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录”。 潍坊资源丰富,产业基础良好。拥有容量14亿立方米的全省最大水库;已发现矿产资源80种,蓝宝石和地下卤水储量居全国首位;北部海岸线长140公里,拥有2655平方公里重度盐碱地和1400多平方公里滩涂浅海,开发潜力巨大。潍坊有中国五大镇山之首的沂山,沂山景区是5A级景区,有世界规模最大的恐龙化石群,有世上罕见的山旺化石、远古火山口群等地质景观和大批天然湿地。全市工业已形成机械装备、石油化工、纺织服装、造纸包装、食品加工、电子信息、汽车制造等支柱产业。农业产业化起步较早,是全国重要的农产品生产加工出口基地、国家现代蔬菜种业创新创业基地和农业国际合作示范区,禽肉、蔬菜出口均占全国的1/8。总部经济、创意设计、现代物流、金融服务等发展迅速,成为全国城市共同配送试点城市,是重要的区域物流基地。 The 4 districts, 6 cities, and 2 counties of Weifang District have three high-tech industrial development zones, Binhai Economic and Technological Development Zone, and three national-level economic parks with integrated bonded zones. The land area is 16,100 square kilometers and the population is 9,270,000 (as of December 2015). On the 31st, it was the hometown of Kite Capital, Chinese Painting Capital, China Food Valley, China Power City and Sapphire City, and was also the hometown of Mr. Mo Yan, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. He was named National Civilized City, National Environmental Protection Model City, and National Sanitary cities, national garden cities, excellent tourist cities in China, advanced cities in national science and technology advancement, and national circular economy demonstration cities have won the China Habitat Environment Award. In 2016, the city’s GDP reached 552.27 billion yuan, an increase of 8%; general public budget revenues completed 52.15 billion yuan, an increase of 9.1%; fixed assets investment grew 13.2%; total retail sales of consumer goods reached 251.49 billion yuan, an increase of 10.4%; The total import and export volume jumped to the third place in the province, with an increase of 6.3%, and the total amount jumped to the third place in the province; the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents increased by 8.2% and 8.1% respectively. Weifang has a superior location and convenient transportation. It is located in the central part of the Shandong Peninsula and an important node of the Bohai Economic Circle. It borders on the Laizhou Bay in the Bohai Sea to the north, and the main functional areas of the Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone and the Yellow River Delta High Efficient Ecological Economic Zone overlap. The three-dimensional land, sea and air transportation system is a perfect transportation hub for the Shandong Peninsula. Weifang Port is a type of open port. Weifang Airport has opened several passenger routes to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Weifang has a long history and profound cultural heritage. As early as 7,000 years ago, there were people living in the Weishui River Valley. The dynasties of the dynasties established a state government in this country. In ancient China, the “Three Emperors and Five Emperors,” the Yan Qi, Qi State politician Ying Ying, the Northern Wei Dynasty agronomist Jia Sikai, the Northern Song Dynasty painter Zhang Xuan Duan, and the famous Qing Liu Yan were all from here. Fan Zhongyan, Ouyang Xiu, Su Dongpo, Zheng Banqiao, etc., once served in the Weifang Executive Council. A large number of revolutionaries, writers and artists have emerged in modern times. Mo Yan who won the Nobel Prize for Literature is also Weifang. Weifang has a number of non-dead industrialized production protection bases such as Yang Jiaxun folk arts, Honggulang folk art folklore, and Qingzhou Arts and Crafts. The art of paper cutting and guqin has been selected as UNESCO's “List of Representatives of Human Intangible Cultural Heritage”. Weifang is rich in resources and has a good industrial foundation. The province has the largest reservoir in the province with a capacity of 1.4 billion cubic meters; 80 mineral resources have been discovered; sapphire and underground brine reserves rank first in the country; the northern coastline is 140 kilometers long, with 2,655 square kilometers of heavy saline-alkaline land and 1,400 square kilometers of shallow seabed, with development potential. huge. Weifang is home to the top five mountainous towns in China. It is a Grade 5A scenic spot. It has the largest dinosaur fossils in the world, and it has rare geological sights such as Shanwang Fossils and ancient caldera groups and a large number of natural wetlands. The city’s industry has formed pillar industries such as machinery and equipment, petrochemicals, textiles and clothing, paper and packaging, food processing, electronic information, and automobile manufacturing. The industrialization of agriculture started earlier. It is an important agricultural production and processing export base, a national innovation and entrepreneurship base for modern vegetable industry, and an agricultural international cooperation demonstration area. The export of poultry meat and vegetables accounts for 1/8 of the country's total. Headquarters economy, creative design, modern logistics, and financial services have developed rapidly. They have become pilot cities for joint distribution of cities in the country and are important regional logistics bases.
举办地在哪里?\ Where Is Host City 如何抵达潍坊?\ How to Reach WeiFang? 航空Airplane ◆ 从北京、上海、广州、大连、杭州、宁波等可直飞潍坊。 ◆ 乘坐中国国内或国际航班抵达北京、上海、济南、青岛等城市后,乘坐高铁或驾车抵达潍坊。 ◆ Direct flights to Weifang are available in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou,Dalian ,Hangzhou and Ningbo etc. ◆ People can take flights to Beijing,Shanghai,Jinan or Qingdao and then take trains or drive to Weifang. 高铁Train ◆ 从北京、上海、济南、青岛等均可乘坐高铁抵达潍坊。 ◆ 北京-潍坊:约3.5小时 ◆ 上海-潍坊:约5.5小时 ◆ 济南-潍坊:约1.5小时 ◆ 青岛-潍坊:约1小时 ◆ There are trains to Weifang from Beijing, Shanghai,Jinan and Qingdao etc. ◆ It takes about 3.5 hours from Beijing to Weifang ◆ About 5.5 hours from Shanghai. ◆ About 1.5 hours from Jinan ◆ About 1 hour from Qingdao 如需报名,请提供以下文件: (1)护照+签证页(工作/商务签证),复印件 (2)名片原件 (3)公司营业执照或国外企业(单位)注册文件+翻译文件 (4)采购商登记表 (按照国际惯例盖公司章或法人签字)及对应翻译件 For register, please provide us with the following documents: (1) Passport + Visa page (Business Visa), copy (2) Original business card (3) Business License or foreign company registration document + Translation Documents (4) Buyer Registration Form (in accordance with international conventions or company signatures) and corresponding translations 广东跨采将竭尽全力使这次旅行尽可能舒适,我们将免费提供以下服务: ·免费穿梭巴士-酒店和展览馆之间 ·VIP入场证 ·论坛会议 Guangdong Ksourcing will try our best to make this trip as comfortable as we can,we will offer the following services for FREE : · Free shuttle bus between hotel and expo hall · VIP Entry badge · Forum meeting 我们真诚期待与您见面! We're sincerely looking forward to meeting you ! |