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第15届中国—东盟博览会The 15th CHINA-ASEAN EXPO 1 展会时间、地点Date、Address 2018年9月12—15日,9月15日为公众开放日。 地点: 中国南宁国际会展中心(中国南宁市民族大道东段11号) 展览面积:10.4万平方米 September 12-15(September 15 is the Public Open Day.) Address: Nanning International Convention&Exhibition Center(NICEC)(No.11 Minzu Avenue) Exhibition Space: 104,000 ㎡ 2 组织机构Organizers 主办单位 中国商务部 Co-Sponsors Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources of Brunei Ministry of Commerce of the Kingdom of Cambodia Ministry of the Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Industry and Commerce of the Lao People's Democratic Republic Ministry of International Trade and Industry of Malaysia Ministry of Commerce of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Department of Trade and Industry of the Republic of Philippines Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Republic of Singapore Ministry of Commerce of the Kingdom of Thailand Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam ASEAN Secretariat 承办单位 广西壮族自治区人民政府 Organizer People's Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 支持单位 世界贸易组织 Support Units World Trade Organization International Trade Centre Hong Kong Trade Development Council(HKTDC) 3 展会介绍Exhibition Introduction 中国—东盟博览会是中国商务部和东盟10国政府经贸主管部门及东盟秘书处共同主办、中国广西壮族自治区人民政府承办的国际经贸盛会,迄今已成功举办14届,成为国家层面直接主办、具有特殊国际影响力、每年一届的国家级重点展会,在促进中国—东盟友好合作,服务“一带一路”建设,推动国际产能合作发挥了重要作用。 第15届中国—东盟博览会以“创新升级”为主旨,以信息化、智能化与制造业的深度融合为重点,以技术创新推进产业提质升级为目标,进一步加强中国与东盟的国际产能和装备制造合作,更加注重出口产品科技含量和附加值,大力发展服务贸易,有效引导、支持企业“走出去”开展产能与投资合作,进一步打造融合度更深、带动力更强、受益面更广的产业链和价值链。 The China-ASEAN Expo(CAEXPO)is co-sponsored by ministries/department of commerce or industry and trade of China and the 10 ASEAN member states as well as the ASEAN Secretariat,and is organized by the People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.Having been successfully concluded for 14 sessions so far,the CAEXPO has grown into an event of special international influence and plays an important role in promoting the China-ASEAN friendly cooperation and building the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. Innovation will be a highlight of the 15th CAEXPO.We will upgrade manufacturing sector in China and ASEAN countries by popularizing advanced information and smart technologies,strengthening the bilateral cooperation in industrial capacity and equipment manufacturing.The 15th CAEXPO will see more high-tech products been showcased and more promotion and business matching events for mobilizing and supporting Chinese leading enterprises to invest in ASEAN countries.All this will conduce to developing better integrated industrial and value chains that will boost growth and deliver more widely shared benefits within the China-ASEAN region and beyond. 4 展览内容Exhibition Arrangement 五大专题 1.商品贸易专题 ◆“一带一路”国际展区:特色食品、生活消费品、服务业产品等 ◆中国商品展区:
Display content:Five Pavilions (1)Pavilion of Commodity Trade
5 展会特色Defining Features 1.进口与出口相结合
1.Import+Export -The CAEXPO highlights China's import and focus on opening the market to ASEAN.It provides an effective bridge for ASEAN products to enter the Chinese market. 2.Investing Abroad+Investment Inviting -The CAEXPO,keeping close pace with the CAFTA Investment Agreement,aims to buiding a platform for Chinese enterprises to make overseas investment in ASEAN. 3.Commodity Trade+Trade in Services -In accordance with the CAFTA Agreement on Trade in Goods and the Agreement on Trade in Services,the CAEXPO boosts the trading of tariff-reduction commodities in the CAFTA and cooperation in services trade. 4.Exhibitions+Conference -The CAEXPO incorporates exhibitions,seminars,briefing conference,contract signing ceremonies,as well as high-end fora that attract wide attendance of government officials,entrepreneurs,scholars and experts,which wins it a reputation as a salad bowl of exhibitions and conferences. 5.Trade Fair&Diplomatic Stage -The CAEXPO makes the business opportunities of the CAFTA more accessible to enterprises,meanwhile,it carries good wishes of the friendly cooperation between China and ASEAN. 6.Business Programs+Cultural Exchanges -Apart from business promotion and network activities,diversified cultural and sports programs are also held concurrently with the CAEXPO,including China-ASEAN Auto Rally Race,golf elites'invitational,tennis games,fashion shows,food festivals,and so on. 6 系列专业展CAEXPO Specialized Exhibitions (一)2018中国—东盟博览会农业展 时间:9月12—15日(与中国—东盟博览会同期举办) 地址:中国南宁市民主路12号 展示内容:渔牧产品、优质水果、绿色农产品及食品、茶叶、东盟特色咖啡及食品、农业电子商务等 (二)2018中国—东盟博览会轻工展 时间:9月12—15日(与中国—东盟博览会同期举办) 地址:中国南宁市江南区沙井大道56号 展示内容:日用消费品、工艺礼品、家居装饰品、电子消费品、玩具等 1. CAEXPO Agriculture Exhibition 2018 (in parallel with the 15th CAEXPO) 2. CAEXPO Light Industry Exhibition 2018 (in parallel with the 15th CAEXPO) 7 精彩活动Major Sideline Programs & Events (一)主题国活动Country of Honor ◆主题国:柬埔寨 ◆主题国“魅力之城”开馆仪式 ◆主题国推介活动 ◆主题国领导人与企业家座谈会 ◆Cambodia ◆Opening ceremony of Cambodian pavilion of city of charm ◆Promotion conference ◆Roundtable Talks between Cambodian leader and entrepreneurs (二)特邀合作伙伴活动◆Special Partner ◆特邀合作伙伴国家推介会 ◆Promotion conference (三)高层论坛Sideline High-end Conferences and Forums ◆第6届中国—东盟技术转移与创新合作大会 ◆庆祝中国—东盟建立战略伙伴关系15周年研讨会 ◆第13届中国—东盟文化论坛 ◆中国—东盟环境合作论坛 ◆第5届中国—东盟药品合作发展高峰论坛 ◆2018中国—东盟农资产业高峰论坛 ◆第10届中国—东盟金融合作与发展领袖论坛 ◆2018中国—东盟统计论坛 ◆第8届东盟与中日韩粮食安全圆桌会 ◆第2届中国—东盟卫生合作论坛 ◆中国—东盟红十字博爱论坛 ◆第6届中国—东盟物流合作论坛 ◆第3届中国—东盟工商论坛 ◆中国—东盟智库战略对话论坛 ◆2018中国—东盟气象合作论坛 ◆第3届中国—东盟信息港论坛 ◆第4届中国—东盟保险合作与发展论坛 ◆第3届中国—东盟商会领袖高峰论坛 ◆第14届桂台经贸文化合作论坛 ◆中国—东盟减轻灾害风险研讨会 ◆2018中国—东盟市长论坛 ◆深化“一带一路”空间信息走廊建设应用与产业国际化发展研讨会 ◆2018中国—东盟电力合作与发展论坛 ◆2018中国—东盟汇商聚智高峰论坛 ◆第12届中国—东盟社会发展与减贫论坛 ◆第3届中国—东盟农业合作论坛(部长级) ◆2018中国—东盟矿业合作论坛暨推介展示会 ◆巴马论坛—中国—东盟传统医药健康旅游国际论坛 ◆第5届中国—东盟财税合作论坛 ◆The 6th China-ASEAN Forum on Technology Transfer and Collaborative Innovation ◆Symposium Marking the 15th Anniversary of ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership ◆The 13th China-ASEAN Culture Forum ◆China-ASEAN Forum on Environment Cooperation ◆The 5th China-ASEAN Drug Cooperation & Development Forum ◆China-ASEAN Agricultural Means of Production Forum 2018 ◆The 10th China-ASEAN Summit Forum on Financial Cooperation & Development ◆China-ASEAN Statistics Forum 2018 ◆The 8th ASEAN Plus Three Food Security Roundtable Meeting ◆The 2nd China-ASEAN Health Cooperation Forum ◆China-ASEAN Red Cross & Red Crescent Fraternity Forum ◆The 6th China-ASEAN Logistics Cooperation Forum ◆The 3rd China-ASEAN Industry & Commerce Forum ◆China-ASEAN Think Tank Strategic Dialogue Forum ◆China-ASEAN Meteorological Cooperation Forum 2018 ◆The 3rd China-ASEAN Information Harbor Forum ◆The 4th China-ASEAN Insurance Cooperation & Development Forum ◆The 3rd China-ASEAN Business Leaders Forum ◆The 14th Guangxi-Taiwan Business & Cultural Cooperation Forum ◆China-ASEAN Seminar on Disaster Risk Reduction ◆China-ASEAN Mayors’ Forum 2018 ◆Symposium on Building Space Information Corridor & Promoting ◆China-ASEAN Electric Power Cooperation & Development Forum 2018 ◆China-ASEAN Forum on Innovation and Entrepreneurship ◆The 12th China-ASEAN Forum on Social Development & Poverty Reduction ◆The 3rd China-ASEAN Agricultural Cooperation Forum ◆China-ASEAN Mining Cooperation Forum & Exhibition 2018 ◆China-ASEAN Forum on Traditional Medicine & Health Tourism (Bama Forum) ◆The 8th China-ASEAN Fiscal and Taxation Cooperation Forum (四)贸易与投资促进活动Trade and Investment Promotion Programs | 商品贸易专题 ◆东盟商品采购对接会 ◆国际买家专场采购对接会 ◆建材、食品加工和包装机械、电力设备与新能源、电子等行业对接会 ◆越南采购商专场贸易对接会 | 投资合作专题 ◆中国—东盟博览会投资合作圆桌会 ◆东盟产业园区招商大会 ◆中国—东盟基础设施合作论坛 ◆中国驻东盟国家使领馆经商参赞与企业家交流会 ◆中国—东盟旅游合作对接会 ◆投融资项目对接会 ◆东盟10国投资推介会 ◆中国重点省市投资推介会 ◆项目签约仪式 ◆重点园区投资推介会 | 先进技术专题 ◆中国—东盟技术对接洽谈会 ◆海外人才创新创业成果项目对接洽谈会暨项目路演推介会 | 服务贸易专题 ◆金融支持中国企业投资东盟系列活动 Pavilion of Commodity Trade ◆Sourcing conferences of ASEAN countries ◆Sourcing conferences of international buyers ◆Sourcing conferences of building materials, food processing and packaging machinery, electric power equipment and new sources of energy and electronics, etc. ◆Trade matching programs for Vietnamese buyers Pavilion of Investment Cooperation ◆CAEXPO Roundtable Meeting on Investment Cooperation ◆Promotion Conference on ASEAN Industrial Parks ◆China-ASEAN Infrastructures Cooperation Forum ◆Networking with Chinese economic and commercial counselors in ASEAN countries ◆CAEXPO Tourism Cooperation Networking ◆CAEXPO Investment & Fundraising Seminar ◆Investment promotion conferences of the 10 ASEAN member countries ◆Investment promotion conferences of major Chinese provinces and cities ◆Projects signing ceremonies ◆Investment seminars of major industrial parks Pavilion of Advanced Technology ◆China-ASEAN Technology Matching Seminar ◆Seminar on Innovation and Startup of Returned Overseas Chinese Talents & Project Roadshow Pavilion of Trade in Services ◆Meetings between banks and Chinese companies investing in ASEAN countries 8 往期回顾Review of CAEXPO 2017年9月12日-15日,第14届中国—东盟博览会在南京成功举办,以“点亮丝路,放飞心愿”为主题,留下了一个个可圈可点的骄人佳绩。 From September 12th to 15th, 2017, the 14th China-ASEAN Expo was successfully held in Nanjing. The theme of “Lighting the Silk Road and Flying Aspirations” left behind a remarkable success. 9位国家领导人和前政要出席本次盛会。中国国务院副总理张高丽,十二届全国人大常委会副委员长、中国红十字会会长陈竺,十届全国人大常委会副委员长、中国—东盟协会会长顾秀莲出席。东盟和区域外国家出席的是:文莱苏丹哈桑纳尔、柬埔寨首相洪森、越南常务副总理张和平、哈萨克斯坦第一副总理阿斯卡尔·马明、老挝副总理宋赛、泰国前副总理功・塔帕朗西。此外,印度尼西亚、马来西亚、缅甸、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国的代表团长以及东盟副秘书长等均出席了本次盛会。出席本次盛会的部长级贵宾230位,其中东盟及区域外129位。 Nine national leaders and former officials will attend this event. Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, Chen Xi, vice chairman of the 12th National People's Congress Standing Committee, chairman of the Chinese Red Cross Society, and vice chairman of the 10th National People's Congress Standing Committee and president of the China-ASEAN Association Gu Xiulian attended. ASEAN and the countries outside the region attended: Brunei Sultan Hassanard, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Zhang Heping, Kazakhstan’s First Deputy Prime Minister Askar Maming, Lao Deputy Prime Minister Song Sai, and former Thai Deputy Prime Minister Gong Tapalangxi. In addition, delegations from Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and the Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN attended the event. There were 230 ministerial guests attending the event, including ASEAN and 129 outside the region. 本届东博会启用南宁国际会展中心新扩建的E区新馆,展览总面积、总展位数比上届有较大增加,8个东盟国家包馆,参展企业2709家,均比上届有所增长。会期举办了80场经贸投资促进活动,采购对接洽谈活动热烈。同时举办了东盟各国和特邀合作伙伴国家推介会、中国部分省市投资推介会、中国—东盟投资合作圆桌会、东盟产业园区招商大会、中国驻东盟使领馆参赞与企业家交流会等活动,达成了更多的投资合作项目。 The China-ASEAN EXPO will use the newly expanded E-zone of the Nanning International Convention and Exhibition Center. The total exhibition area and total number of booths will be greatly increased compared to the previous session. 8 ASEAN countries will have pavilions and 2,709 exhibiting companies. The growth. During the session, 80 economic and trade investment promotion activities were held. The procurement and matchmaking activities were enthusiastic. At the same time, it held activities for the promotion of ASEAN countries and special partner countries, investment promotion conferences for some provinces and cities in China, the China-ASEAN Investment Cooperation Round table, the Investment Conference of the ASEAN Industrial Park, and the Counselor and Entrepreneur Exchange Meeting of the Chinese Embassy in ASEAN. , reached more investment cooperation projects. 共举办36个高层论坛,其中会期举行25个,为历届最多。举办了中国—东盟金融合作与发展领袖论坛,中国—东盟港口城市合作网络工作会议,中国—东盟技术转移与创新合作大会。还举办了中国—东盟统计论坛、中国—东盟市长论坛、中国—东盟红十字博爱论坛。此外,农业、保险、空间信息走廊工程、电力、生物质能、防灾减灾、环保等论坛也取得了丰硕成果。启动或实施了一批重大项目,进一步丰富了“南宁渠道”。 A total of 36 high-level forums were held under the framework of the current China-ASEAN EXPO, of which 25 were held during the session, which was the largest ever. The China-ASEAN Financial Cooperation and Development Leaders Forum, the China-ASEAN Harbor Cities Cooperation Network Working Conference, and the China-ASEAN Technology Transfer and Innovation Cooperation Conference were held. China-ASEAN Statistical Forum, China-ASEAN Mayor Forum, and China-ASEAN Red Cross Friendship Forum were also held. In addition, agricultural, insurance, spatial information corridor projects, electricity, biomass, disaster prevention and reduction, environmental protection and other forums have also achieved fruitful results. Launched or implemented a number of major projects to further enrich the "Nanning channel." 9 展会报名Exhibition Registration 如需报名,请提供以下文件: (1)护照+签证页(工作/商务签证),复印件 (2)名片原件 (3)公司营业执照或国外企业(单位)注册文件 (4)采购商申请表 (5)证件照片 For register,please provide us with the following documents: (1) Passport+Visa page(Business Visa),copy (2)Original business card (3)Business License or foreign company registration document (4)Purchaser Application Form (5)ID Photo 广东跨采将竭尽全力使这次旅行尽可能舒适,我们将免费提供以下服务: ·免费星级酒店两晚食宿 ·免费穿梭巴士-酒店和展览馆之间 ·VIP入场证 ·论坛会议 Guangdong Ksourcing will try our best to make this trip as comfortable as we can,we will offer the following services for FREE: ·Free star hotel two nights accommodation ·Free shuttle bus between hotel and expo hall ·VIP Entry badge ·Forum meeting 我们真诚期待与您见面! We're sincerely looking forward to meeting you! 添加我们获得更多资讯: FOLLOW US GET MORE INFORMATION TEL:+86-20-38109030 FAX:+86-20-38109030 MOB:+86 177 28196488(KIKY) +86 177 02083505(ELAINE) E-MAIL:Ksourcing@hotmail.com |