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展会信息/Show Information展会名称/name: 2017中日韩产业博览会 China-Japan-Korea Industries Expo 2017 展出时间/Date: 2017年9月23日-25日 September 23-25,2017 展出地点/Venue: 中国•山东•潍坊鲁台会展中心 Shandong-Taiwan Convention and Exhibition Center, Weifang, Shandong, China 主办单位/Host: 中国国际商会、日本国际贸易促进协会、韩国贸易协会、中日韩三国合作秘书处 China Chamber of International Commerce、The Association for the Promotion of International Trade, Japan、Korea International Trade Association、Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat 承办单位/Organizer: 中国国际商会会展部、山东省贸促会、潍坊市人民政府 Conventions and Exhibitions Department of China Chamber of International Commerce、CCPIT Shandong Sub-council、Weifang Municipal People's Government 支持单位/Supporters: 中国国际贸易促进委员会、山东省人民政府、日本贸易振兴机构、日中经济贸易中心、东海日中贸易中心、日本经济团体联合会、日中经济协会、日本商工会议所、大韩贸易投资振兴公社、韩国展示产业振兴会、韩国全国经济人联合会、韩国商工会议所、韩国COEX展览集团 China Council for the Promotion of International Trade、Shandong Provincial People’s Government、Japan-China Economics and Trade Center、Tokai Japan-China Trade Center Association Inc、Japan Business Federation; Japan-China Economic Association、The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry、Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency、Association of Korea Exhibition Industry、The Federation of Korean Industries、Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry、COEX Korea 展会介绍/Introduction为深入推进中日韩三国经贸、文化等各领域全面合作,由三国国家级贸易促进机构主办的中日韩产业博览会将于2017年9月23日-25日在中国山东潍坊举办。 中日韩产业博览会将利用区位、资源、政策优势积极打造内容丰富、形式新颖、特色鲜明、功能完善的区域经济合作平台。博览会以推动三国区域合作为宗旨,以“立足三国,面向世界,互惠互利”为原则,积极搭建三国与全球开展经贸合作、投资洽谈、技术文化交流、专业采购的新通路,力争将博览会打造成商品交易、双向投资、文化交流的“孵化器”,为中日韩三国的经贸合作,提供一个新的平台。 The China-Japan-Korea Industries Expo will be held from September 23 to 25, 2017 in the city of Weifang, Shandong province to promote the comprehensive cooperation among the three countries in such fields as economy, trade and culture. Organized by national trade promotion agencies of the three countries, the expo will serve as a new, distinctive and sound platform for diversified regional economic cooperation with its geographical, resource and policy advantages. The expo is designed to promote the three countries’cooperation and holds going global and win-win as its principle. Organizers will help to build it into a new channel for the three countries to reach economic cooperation, hold investment talks, and conduct cultural exchanges as well as professional purchase with the rest of the world. They will also make the expo an incubator of trade, investment and cultural exchanges. 展会内容/Exhibition Contents
展览内容包括工业机器人整机、特种机器人、服务机器人、娱乐机器人、机器人开发应用产品与智能工厂全套解决方案、无人机、智能穿戴产品、激光设备、VR硬件及其应用、3D打印、高端数控机床、节能环保新能源相关技术产品及应用等。 It Includes the overall unit of the industrial robots, special type robots, service robots, entertainment robots, robot development applications,total solutions for intelligent factory, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles ( UAV), smart wear products, laser equipment ,VR hardware and applications, 3D printing, hi-end numerical control machine, and technology products and applications related to energy saving, environmental protection and new energy .
展览内容包括美容产品、美体产品、美发产品、品牌服装、其它美丽产品及设备等。 It includes beauty products, body shaping products, hair care products, brand clothing, other beauty products and devices, etc.
展览内容包括进口绿色食品、有机食品、食品文化、食品仓储与物流、食品研发加工、食品安全检测与防护、品牌创意与包装等。 It includes imported green food, organic food, food culture, food storage and logistics, food R&D with processing, food safety detection and protection, brand design and packaging, etc. 配套活动/Supporting Activities高层论坛 High-level Forums
Sponsored by China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC), The Association for the Promotion of International Trade, Japan, Korea Trade Association, and Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat.
Sponsored by China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC), The Association for the Promotion of International Trade, Japan, and Korea Trade Association.
Sponsored by China-Asia Economic Development Association, and Department of Civil Affairs of Shandong Province. 采购对接活动 Procurement Matchmaking 筹委会统筹,“中日韩智能制造展览会”的产业合作对接活动由市经信委牵头,市发改委、市科技局、市环保局、市智慧办配合;“中日韩美丽产业展览会”的产业合作对接活动由市商务局牵头,市经信委配合;“中日韩国际食品展览会”的产业合作对接活动由潍坊食品谷协调推进办公室牵头,市农业局配合。 “一对一”企业对接洽谈会 One-on-One Business Matchmaking Meeting 筹委会统筹,由市商务局牵头,市经信委、市外侨办配合,组织相关参展商、采购商与我市优势产业重点企业进行“一对一”对接洽谈。 重点项目签约仪式 Signing Ceremony of Key Projects 筹委会统筹,由市合作发展促进局负责牵头组织合作项目签约仪式。 上届回顾/Overview of China-Japan-Korea Industries Expo 20162016中日韩产业博览会以“创新、合作、发展”为主题,按照“综合平台、政府主导、市场运作、专业运营”的总体思路,设置了五个专业展览会,四个高层论坛活动。共有419家企业参展,其中日韩等境外企业217家,参展企业涉及14个国家和地区;到会采购商19343人,其中境外采购商950人;特装面积占实际展览总面积的85.1%,累计观众人数达到119383人次。博览会期间新洽谈引进招商项目147个,总投资506.1亿元,签约项目28个,总投资140.2亿元,实现贸易总额67.1亿元。 2017中日韩产业博览会,期待您的光临! With the theme of “ innovation, cooperation, and development ”, in accordance with the general thinking of “comprehensive platform, government-guiding, market-operating, professionally- running”, the China-Japan-Korea Industries Expo 2016 set up five professional exhibitions, and four high-level forums. In all, 419 enterprises joined the expo, including 217 overseas enterprises from 14 countries and regions like Japan and Korea. Among the 19343 purchasers presented , 950 purchasers were from overseas. Special designed area covered 85.1% of the total actual exhibition area. Viewers added up to 119383. During the Expo, 147 investment projects were newly discussed and introduced with a total investment of 50.61 billion yuan, in which 28 projects were signed with a total investment of 14.02 billion yuan, realizing a total trade amount of 6.71 billion yuan. Welcome to China-Japan-Korea Industries Expo 2017! 如何抵达潍坊/How to Reach Weifang航空Airplane
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